commit 8f86f60d025bff832dc0605c64dd19fe1d8e574d
parent 6c782693658ae47541d8635b4b80489b452244c4
Author: lostd <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 15:57:49 +0300
style, fault tollerance, readability
M | mksub | | | 40 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- |
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mksub b/mksub
@@ -4,24 +4,32 @@
# the specified tv series filenames in the current directory
if test -z "$1"; then
- echo "usage: $(basename $0) "'"Title.of.Show"'
- exit
+ echo "usage: $(basename $0) "'"Title.of.Show"' && exit 1
-tt=$(echo $pp | sed 's/\./ /g')
-ddir=$(test -n "$DOWNLOADS" && echo "$DOWNLOADS" || echo /tmp/web)
+TT=$(echo $PP | sed 's|\.|*|g') # inject wildcards
+DOWNLOADS=$(test -n "$DOWNLOADS" && echo "$DOWNLOADS" || echo /tmp/web)
-echo $pp
-for f in ${pp}.S??E??*.{avi,mp4,mkv}; do
- if test "$(echo $f | grep '*')"; then continue; fi
- s=$(echo $f | sed "s/.*S\(..\)E...*/\1/")
- e=$(echo $f | sed "s/.*S..E\(..\).*/\1/")
- x=$(echo $f | sed "s/.*\.//")
- b=$(echo $ddir/"${tt}"*${s}x${e}*.srt)
- echo -n "S${s}E${e}"
- if test "$(echo $b | grep '*')"; then echo; continue; else
- cp "$b" $(basename $f .$x).srt
- echo " OK"
+# note: grep '*' means that wildcard did not expand
+echo $PP
+for F in ${PP}.S??E??*.{avi,mp4,mkv}; do
+ if test "$(echo $F | grep '*')"; then
+ continue
+ S=$(echo $F | sed "s/.*S\(..\)E...*/\1/")
+ E=$(echo $F | sed "s/.*S..E\(..\).*/\1/")
+ echo -n "S${S}E${E}"
+ for SUB in $DOWNLOADS/${TT}*${S}x${E}*.srt; do
+ if test "$(echo $SUB | grep '*')"; then
+ echo
+ break
+ else
+ # do copy the first matching subtitle file
+ cp "$SUB" ${F%.*}.srt
+ echo " OK"
+ break
+ fi
+ done