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cp.c (3779B)

      1 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
      2 #include <dirent.h>
      3 #include <errno.h>
      4 #include <fcntl.h>
      5 #include <limits.h>
      6 #include <stdio.h>
      7 #include <stdlib.h>
      8 #include <string.h>
      9 #include <sys/stat.h>
     10 #include <sys/types.h>
     11 #include <unistd.h>
     12 #include <utime.h>
     14 #include "../fs.h"
     15 #include "../util.h"
     17 int cp_aflag  = 0;
     18 int cp_fflag  = 0;
     19 int cp_pflag  = 0;
     20 int cp_rflag  = 0;
     21 int cp_vflag  = 0;
     22 int cp_status = 0;
     23 int cp_follow = 'L';
     25 int
     26 cp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int depth)
     27 {
     28 	DIR *dp;
     29 	int f1, f2;
     30 	struct dirent *d;
     31 	struct stat st;
     32 	struct timespec times[2];
     33 	ssize_t r;
     34 	int (*statf)(const char *, struct stat *);
     35 	char target[PATH_MAX], ns1[PATH_MAX], ns2[PATH_MAX], *statf_name;
     37 	if (cp_follow == 'P' || (cp_follow == 'H' && depth)) {
     38 		statf_name = "lstat";
     39 		statf = lstat;
     40 	} else {
     41 		statf_name = "stat";
     42 		statf = stat;
     43 	}
     45 	if (statf(s1, &st) < 0) {
     46 		weprintf("%s %s:", statf_name, s1);
     47 		cp_status = 1;
     48 		return 0;
     49 	}
     51 	if (cp_vflag)
     52 		printf("%s -> %s\n", s1, s2);
     54 	if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
     55 		if ((r = readlink(s1, target, sizeof(target) - 1)) >= 0) {
     56 			target[r] = '\0';
     57 			if (cp_fflag && unlink(s2) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
     58 				weprintf("unlink %s:", s2);
     59 				cp_status = 1;
     60 				return 0;
     61 			} else if (symlink(target, s2) < 0) {
     62 				weprintf("symlink %s -> %s:", s2, target);
     63 				cp_status = 1;
     64 				return 0;
     65 			}
     66 		}
     67 	} else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
     68 		if (!cp_rflag) {
     69 			weprintf("%s is a directory\n", s1);
     70 			cp_status = 1;
     71 			return 0;
     72 		}
     73 		if (!(dp = opendir(s1))) {
     74 			weprintf("opendir %s:", s1);
     75 			cp_status = 1;
     76 			return 0;
     77 		}
     78 		if (mkdir(s2, st.st_mode) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
     79 			weprintf("mkdir %s:", s2);
     80 			cp_status = 1;
     81 			closedir(dp);
     82 			return 0;
     83 		}
     85 		while ((d = readdir(dp))) {
     86 			if (!strcmp(d->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(d->d_name, ".."))
     87 				continue;
     89 			estrlcpy(ns1, s1, sizeof(ns1));
     90 			if (s1[strlen(s1) - 1] != '/')
     91 				estrlcat(ns1, "/", sizeof(ns1));
     92 			estrlcat(ns1, d->d_name, sizeof(ns1));
     94 			estrlcpy(ns2, s2, sizeof(ns2));
     95 			if (s2[strlen(s2) - 1] != '/')
     96 				estrlcat(ns2, "/", sizeof(ns2));
     97 			estrlcat(ns2, d->d_name, sizeof(ns2));
     99 			fnck(ns1, ns2, cp, depth + 1);
    100 		}
    102 		closedir(dp);
    103 	} else if (cp_aflag && (S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) ||
    104 	           S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode) || S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode))) {
    105 		if (cp_fflag && unlink(s2) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
    106 			weprintf("unlink %s:", s2);
    107 			cp_status = 1;
    108 			return 0;
    109 		} else if (mknod(s2, st.st_mode, st.st_rdev) < 0) {
    110 			weprintf("mknod %s:", s2);
    111 			cp_status = 1;
    112 			return 0;
    113 		}
    114 	} else {
    115 		if ((f1 = open(s1, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
    116 			weprintf("open %s:", s1);
    117 			cp_status = 1;
    118 			return 0;
    119 		}
    120 		if ((f2 = creat(s2, st.st_mode)) < 0 && cp_fflag) {
    121 			if (unlink(s2) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
    122 				weprintf("unlink %s:", s2);
    123 				cp_status = 1;
    124 				close(f1);
    125 				return 0;
    126 			}
    127 			f2 = creat(s2, st.st_mode);
    128 		}
    129 		if (f2 < 0) {
    130 			weprintf("creat %s:", s2);
    131 			cp_status = 1;
    132 			close(f1);
    133 			return 0;
    134 		}
    135 		if (concat(f1, s1, f2, s2) < 0) {
    136 			cp_status = 1;
    137 			close(f1);
    138 			close(f2);
    139 			return 0;
    140 		}
    142 		close(f1);
    143 		close(f2);
    144 	}
    146 	if (cp_aflag || cp_pflag) {
    147 		/* atime and mtime */
    148 		times[0] = st.st_atim;
    149 		times[1] = st.st_mtim;
    150 		if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, s2, times, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) < 0) {
    151 			weprintf("utimensat %s:", s2);
    152 			cp_status = 1;
    153 		}
    155 		/* owner and mode */
    156 		if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
    157 			if (chown(s2, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) < 0) {
    158 				weprintf("chown %s:", s2);
    159 				cp_status = 1;
    160 				st.st_mode &= ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID);
    161 			}
    162 			if (chmod(s2, st.st_mode) < 0) {
    163 				weprintf("chmod %s:", s2);
    164 				cp_status = 1;
    165 			}
    166 		} else {
    167 			if (lchown(s2, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) < 0) {
    168 				weprintf("lchown %s:", s2);
    169 				cp_status = 1;
    170 				return 0;
    171 			}
    172 		}
    173 	}
    175 	return 0;
    176 }