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lex.c (14092B)

      1 static char sccsid[] = "@(#) ./cc1/lex.c";
      2 #include <assert.h>
      3 #include <ctype.h>
      4 #include <errno.h>
      5 #include <limits.h>
      6 #include <setjmp.h>
      7 #include <stdio.h>
      8 #include <stdlib.h>
      9 #include <string.h>
     11 #include <cstd.h>
     12 #include "../inc/scc.h"
     13 #include "cc1.h"
     15 int yytoken;
     16 struct yystype yylval;
     17 char yytext[STRINGSIZ+3];
     18 unsigned short yylen;
     19 int lexmode = CCMODE;
     20 unsigned lineno;
     21 char filenam[FILENAME_MAX];
     23 int namespace = NS_IDEN;
     24 static int safe;
     25 Input *input;
     27 void
     28 ilex(void)
     29 {
     30 	static struct keyword keys[] = {
     31 		{"auto", SCLASS, AUTO},
     32 		{"break", BREAK, BREAK},
     33 		{"_Bool", TYPE, BOOL},
     34 		{"__builtin_va_list", TYPE, VA_LIST},
     35 		{"case", CASE, CASE},
     36 		{"char", TYPE, CHAR},
     37 		{"const", TQUALIFIER, CONST},
     38 		{"continue", CONTINUE, CONTINUE},
     39 		{"default", DEFAULT, DEFAULT},
     40 		{"do", DO, DO},
     41 		{"double", TYPE, DOUBLE},
     42 		{"else", ELSE, ELSE},
     43 		{"enum", TYPE, ENUM},
     44 		{"extern", SCLASS, EXTERN},
     45 		{"float", TYPE, FLOAT},
     46 		{"for", FOR, FOR},
     47 		{"goto", GOTO, GOTO},
     48 		{"if", IF, IF},
     49 		{"inline", TQUALIFIER, INLINE},
     50 		{"int", TYPE, INT},
     51 		{"long", TYPE, LONG},
     52 		{"register", SCLASS, REGISTER},
     53 		{"restrict", TQUALIFIER, RESTRICT},
     54 		{"return", RETURN, RETURN},
     55 		{"short", TYPE, SHORT},
     56 		{"signed", TYPE, SIGNED},
     57 		{"sizeof", SIZEOF, SIZEOF},
     58 		{"static", SCLASS, STATIC},
     59 		{"struct", TYPE, STRUCT},
     60 		{"switch", SWITCH, SWITCH},
     61 		{"typedef", SCLASS, TYPEDEF},
     62 		{"union", TYPE, UNION},
     63 		{"unsigned", TYPE, UNSIGNED},
     64 		{"void", TYPE, VOID},
     65 		{"volatile", TQUALIFIER, VOLATILE},
     66 		{"while", WHILE, WHILE},
     67 		{NULL, 0, 0},
     68 	};
     69 	keywords(keys, NS_KEYWORD);
     70 }
     72 int
     73 setloc(char *fname, unsigned line)
     74 {
     75 	size_t len;
     77 	if ((len = strlen(fname)) >= FILENAME_MAX)
     78 		die("file name too long: '%s'", fname);
     79 	memmove(filenam, fname, len);
     80 	filenam[len] = '\0';
     82 	free(input->filenam);
     83 	input->filenam = xstrdup(fname);
     84 	lineno = input->lineno = line;
     85 	return 1;
     86 }
     88 int
     89 addinput(char *fname, Symbol *hide, char *buffer)
     90 {
     91 	FILE *fp;
     92 	char *extp;
     93 	unsigned flags;
     94 	int infileln;
     95 	Input *newip, *curip = input;
     97 	if (hide) {
     98 		/* this is a macro expansion */
     99 		fp = NULL;
    100 		if (hide->hide == UCHAR_MAX)
    101 			die("Too many macro expansions");
    102 		++hide->hide;
    103 		flags = IMACRO;
    104 	} else  if (fname) {
    105 		/* a new file */
    106 		if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
    107 			return 0;
    108 		flags = IFILE;
    109 		if (curip && onlyheader) {
    110 			infileln = strlen(infile);
    111 			if (extp = strrchr(infile, '.'))
    112 				infileln -= strlen(extp);
    113 			printf("%.*s.o: %s %s\n",
    114 			       infileln, infile, infile, fname);
    115 		}
    116 	} else {
    117 		/* reading from stdin */
    118 		fp = stdin;
    119 		fname = "<stdin>";
    120 		flags = ISTDIN;
    121 	}
    123 	newip = xmalloc(sizeof(*newip));
    125 	if (!buffer) {
    126 		buffer = xmalloc(INPUTSIZ);
    127 		buffer[0] = '\0';
    128 	}
    130 	if (curip)
    131 		curip->lineno = lineno;
    133 	newip->p = newip->begin = newip->line = buffer;
    134 	newip->filenam = NULL;
    135 	newip->lineno = 0;
    136 	newip->next = curip;
    137 	newip->fp = fp;
    138 	newip->hide = hide;
    139 	newip->flags = flags;
    140 	input = newip;
    142 	return setloc(fname, (curip) ? curip->lineno : newip->lineno);
    143 }
    145 void
    146 delinput(void)
    147 {
    148 	Input *ip = input;
    149 	Symbol *hide = ip->hide;
    151 	switch (ip->flags & ITYPE) {
    152 	case IFILE:
    153 		if (fclose(ip->fp))
    154 			die("error: failed to read from input file '%s'",
    155 			    ip->filenam);
    156 		break;
    157 	case IMACRO:
    158 		assert(hide->hide == 1);
    159 		--hide->hide;
    160 		break;
    161 	}
    162 	input = ip->next;
    163 	free(ip->filenam);
    164 	free(ip->line);
    165 	if (input) {
    166 		lineno = input->lineno;
    167 		strcpy(filenam, input->filenam);
    168 	}
    169 }
    171 static void
    172 newline(void)
    173 {
    174 	if (++lineno == 0)
    175 		die("error: input file '%s' too long", filenam);
    176 }
    178 /*
    179  * Read the next character from the input file, counting number of lines
    180  * and joining lines escaped with \
    181  */
    182 static int
    183 readchar(void)
    184 {
    185 	FILE *fp = input->fp;
    186 	int c;
    188 repeat:
    189 	switch (c = getc(fp)) {
    190 	case '\\':
    191 		if ((c = getc(fp)) == '\n') {
    192 			newline();
    193 			goto repeat;
    194 		}
    195 		ungetc(c, fp);
    196 		c = '\\';
    197 		break;
    198 	case '\n':
    199 		newline();
    200 		break;
    201 	default:
    202 		if (!isprint(c) && !ispunct(c))
    203 			warn("invalid input character. The shame of UB is yours");
    204 		break;
    205 	}
    207 	return c;
    208 }
    210 /*
    211  * discard a C comment. This function is only called from readline
    212  * because it is impossible to have a comment in a macro, because
    213  * comments are always discarded before processing any cpp directive
    214  */
    215 static void
    216 comment(int type)
    217 {
    218 	int c;
    220 repeat:
    221 	while ((c = readchar()) != EOF && c != type)
    222 		/* nothing */;
    224 	if (c == EOF) {
    225 		errorp("unterminated comment");
    226 		return;
    227 	}
    229 	if (type == '*' && (c = readchar()) != '/')
    230 		goto repeat;
    231 }
    233 /*
    234  * readline is used to read a full logic line from a file.
    235  * It discards comments and check that the line fits in
    236  * the input buffer
    237  */
    238 static int
    239 readline(void)
    240 {
    241 	char *bp, *lim;
    242 	int c, peekc = 0;
    244 	if (feof(input->fp)) {
    245 		input->flags |= IEOF;
    246 		return 0;
    247 	}
    249 	*input->line = '\0';
    250 	lim = &input->line[INPUTSIZ-1];
    251 	for (bp = input->line; bp < lim-1; *bp++ = c) {
    252 		c = (peekc) ? peekc : readchar();
    253 		peekc = 0;
    254 		if (c == '\n' || c == EOF)
    255 			break;
    256 		if (c != '/')
    257 			continue;
    259 		/* check for /* or // */
    260 		peekc = readchar();
    261 		if (peekc != '*' && peekc != '/')
    262 			continue;
    263 		comment((peekc == '/') ? '\n' : '*');
    264 		peekc = 0;
    265 		c = ' ';
    266 	}
    268 	input->begin = input->p = input->line;
    269 	if (bp == lim-1) {
    270 		errorp("line too long");
    271 		--bp;
    272 	}
    273 	*bp++ = '\n';
    274 	*bp = '\0';
    276 	return 1;
    277 }
    279 /*
    280  * moreinput gets more bytes to be passed to the lexer.
    281  * It can take more bytes from macro expansions or
    282  * directly reading from files. When a cpp directive
    283  * is processed the line is discarded because it must not
    284  * be passed to the lexer
    285  */
    286 static int
    287 moreinput(void)
    288 {
    289 	int wasexpand = 0;
    291 repeat:
    292 	if (!input)
    293 		return 0;
    295 	if (*input->p == '\0') {
    296 		if ((input->flags&ITYPE) == IMACRO) {
    297 			wasexpand = 1;
    298 			input->flags |= IEOF;
    299 		}
    300 		if (input->flags & IEOF) {
    301 			delinput();
    302 			goto repeat;
    303 		}
    304 		if (!readline() || cpp()) {
    305 			*input->p = '\0';
    306 			goto repeat;
    307 		}
    308 	}
    310 	if (onlycpp && !wasexpand)
    311 		ppragmaln();
    312 	return 1;
    313 }
    315 static void
    316 tok2str(void)
    317 {
    318 	if ((yylen = input->p - input->begin) > INTIDENTSIZ)
    319 		error("token too big");
    320 	memcpy(yytext, input->begin, yylen);
    321 	yytext[yylen] = '\0';
    322 	input->begin = input->p;
    323 }
    325 static Symbol *
    326 readint(char *s, int base, int sign, Symbol *sym)
    327 {
    328 	Type *tp = sym->type;
    329 	struct limits *lim;
    330 	TUINT u, val, max;
    331 	int c;
    333 	lim = getlimits(tp);
    334 	max = lim->max.i;
    335 	if (*s == '0')
    336 		++s;
    337 	if (toupper(*s) == 'X')
    338 		++s;
    340 	for (u = 0; isxdigit(c = *s++); u = u*base + val) {
    341 		static char letters[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    342 		val = strchr(letters, toupper(c)) - letters;
    343 	repeat:
    344 		if (u <= max/base && u*base <= max - val)
    345 			continue;
    346 		if (tp->prop & TSIGNED) {
    347 			if (tp == inttype)
    348 				tp = (base==10) ? longtype : uinttype;
    349 			else if (tp == longtype)
    350 				tp = (base==10) ? llongtype : ulongtype;
    351 			else
    352 				goto overflow;
    353 		} else {
    354 			if (tp == uinttype)
    355 				tp = (sign==UNSIGNED) ? ulongtype : longtype;
    356 			else if (tp == ulongtype)
    357 				tp = (sign==UNSIGNED) ? ullongtype : llongtype;
    358 			else
    359 				goto overflow;
    360 		}
    361 		sym->type = tp;
    362 		lim = getlimits(tp);
    363 		max = lim->max.i;
    364 		goto repeat;
    365 	}
    367 	if (tp->prop & TSIGNED)
    368 		sym->u.i = u;
    369 	else
    370 		sym->u.u = u;
    372 	return sym;
    374 overflow:
    375 	errorp("overflow in integer constant");
    376 	return sym;
    377 }
    379 static int
    380 integer(char *s, int base)
    381 {
    382 	Type *tp;
    383 	Symbol *sym;
    384 	unsigned size, sign;
    386 	for (size = sign = 0; ; ++input->p) {
    387 		switch (toupper(*input->p)) {
    388 		case 'L':
    389 			if (size == LLONG)
    390 				goto wrong_type;
    391 			size = (size == LONG) ? LLONG : LONG;
    392 			continue;
    393 		case 'U':
    394 			if (sign == UNSIGNED)
    395 				goto wrong_type;
    396 			sign = UNSIGNED;
    397 			continue;
    398 		default:
    399 			goto convert;
    400 		wrong_type:
    401 			error("invalid suffix in integer constant");
    402 		}
    403 	}
    405 convert:
    406 	tp = ctype(INT, sign, size);
    407 	sym = newsym(NS_IDEN, NULL);
    408 	sym->type = tp;
    409 	sym->flags |= SCONSTANT;
    410 	yylval.sym = readint(s, base, sign, sym);
    411 	return CONSTANT;
    412 }
    414 static char *
    415 digits(int base)
    416 {
    417 	char *p;
    418 	int c;
    420 	for (p = input->p; c = *p; ++p) {
    421 		switch (base) {
    422 		case 8:
    423 			if (!strchr("01234567", c))
    424 				goto end;
    425 			break;
    426 		case 10:
    427 			if (!isdigit(c))
    428 				goto end;
    429 			break;
    430 		case 16:
    431 			if (!isxdigit(c))
    432 				goto end;
    433 			break;
    434 		}
    435 	}
    436 end:
    437 	input->p = p;
    438 	tok2str();
    439 	return yytext;
    440 }
    442 static int
    443 number(void)
    444 {
    445 	int base;
    447 	if (*input->p != '0') {
    448 		base = 10;
    449 	} else {
    450 		if (toupper(*++input->p) == 'X') {
    451 			++input->p;
    452 			base = 16;
    453 		} else {
    454 			base = 8;
    455 		}
    456 	}
    458 	return integer(digits(base), base);
    459 }
    461 static int
    462 escape(void)
    463 {
    464 	int c, base;
    466 	switch (*++input->p) {
    467 	case 'a':  return '\a';
    468 	case 'f':  return '\f';
    469 	case 'n':  return '\n';
    470 	case 'r':  return '\r';
    471 	case 't':  return '\t';
    472 	case 'v':  return '\v';
    473 	case '"':  return '"';
    474 	case '\'': return '\'';
    475 	case '\\': return '\\';
    476 	case '\?': return '\?';
    477 	case 'u':
    478 		/*
    479 		 * FIXME: universal constants are not correctly handled
    480 		 */
    481 		if (!isdigit(*++input->p))
    482 			warn("incorrect digit for numerical character constant");
    483 		base = 10;
    484 		break;
    485 	case 'x':
    486 		if (!isxdigit(*++input->p))
    487 			warn("\\x used with no following hex digits");
    488 		base = 16;
    489 		break;
    490 	case '0':
    491 		if (!strchr("01234567", *++input->p))
    492 			warn("\\0 used with no following octal digits");
    493 		base = 8;
    494 		break;
    495 	default:
    496 		warn("unknown escape sequence");
    497 		return ' ';
    498 	}
    499 	errno = 0;
    500 	c = strtoul(input->p, &input->p, base);
    501 	if (errno || c > 255)
    502 		warn("character constant out of range");
    503 	--input->p;
    504 	return c;
    505 }
    507 static int
    508 character(void)
    509 {
    510 	int c;
    511 	Symbol *sym;
    513 	if ((c = *++input->p) == '\\')
    514 		c = escape();
    515 	else
    516 		c = *input->p;
    517 	++input->p;
    518 	if (*input->p != '\'')
    519 		errorp("invalid character constant");
    520 	else
    521 		++input->p;
    523 	sym = newsym(NS_IDEN, NULL);
    524 	sym->u.i = c;
    525 	sym->type = inttype;
    526 	yylval.sym = sym;
    527 	tok2str();
    528 	return CONSTANT;
    529 }
    531 static int
    532 string(void)
    533 {
    534 	char *bp = yytext;
    535 	int c;
    537 	*bp++ = '"';
    538 	for (++input->p; (c = *input->p) != '"'; ++input->p) {
    539 		if (c == '\0') {
    540 			errorp("missing terminating '\"' character");
    541 			break;
    542 		}
    543 		if (c == '\\')
    544 			c = escape();
    545 		if (bp == &yytext[STRINGSIZ+1]) {
    546 			/* TODO: proper error handling here */
    547 			error("string too long");
    548 		}
    549 		*bp++ = c;
    550 	}
    552 	input->begin = ++input->p;
    553 	*bp = '\0';
    555 	yylen = bp - yytext + 1;
    556 	yylval.sym = newstring(yytext+1, yylen-1);
    557 	*bp++ = '"';
    558 	*bp = '\0';
    559 	return STRING;
    560 }
    562 static int
    563 iden(void)
    564 {
    565 	Symbol *sym;
    566 	char *p, *begin;
    568 	begin = input->p;
    569 	for (p = begin; isalnum(*p) || *p == '_'; ++p)
    570 		/* nothing */;
    571 	input->p = p;
    572 	tok2str();
    573 	if ((sym = lookup(NS_CPP, yytext, NOALLOC)) != NULL) {
    574 		if (!disexpand && !sym->hide && expand(begin, sym))
    575 			return next();
    576 	}
    577 	sym = lookup(namespace, yytext, ALLOC);
    578 	yylval.sym = sym;
    579 	if (sym->flags & SCONSTANT)
    580 		return CONSTANT;
    581 	if (sym->token != IDEN)
    582 		yylval.token = sym->u.token;
    583 	return sym->token;
    584 }
    586 static int
    587 follow(int expect, int ifyes, int ifno)
    588 {
    589 	if (*input->p++ == expect)
    590 		return ifyes;
    591 	--input->p;
    592 	return ifno;
    593 }
    595 static int
    596 minus(void)
    597 {
    598 	switch (*input->p++) {
    599 	case '-': return DEC;
    600 	case '>': return INDIR;
    601 	case '=': return SUB_EQ;
    602 	default: --input->p; return '-';
    603 	}
    604 }
    606 static int
    607 plus(void)
    608 {
    609 	switch (*input->p++) {
    610 	case '+': return INC;
    611 	case '=': return ADD_EQ;
    612 	default: --input->p; return '+';
    613 	}
    614 }
    616 static int
    617 relational(int op, int equal, int shift, int assig)
    618 {
    619 	int c;
    621 	if ((c = *input->p++) == '=')
    622 		return equal;
    623 	if (c == op)
    624 		return follow('=', assig, shift);
    625 	--input->p;
    626 	return op;
    627 }
    629 static int
    630 logic(int op, int equal, int logic)
    631 {
    632 	int c;
    634 	if ((c = *input->p++) == '=')
    635 		return equal;
    636 	if (c == op)
    637 		return logic;
    638 	--input->p;
    639 	return op;
    640 }
    642 static int
    643 dot(void)
    644 {
    645 	int c;
    647 	if ((c = *input->p) != '.')
    648 		return '.';
    649 	if ((c = *++input->p) != '.')
    650 		error("incorrect token '..'");
    651 	++input->p;
    652 	return ELLIPSIS;
    653 }
    655 static int
    656 operator(void)
    657 {
    658 	int t;
    660 	switch (t = *input->p++) {
    661 	case '<': t = relational('<', LE, SHL, SHL_EQ); break;
    662 	case '>': t = relational('>', GE, SHR, SHR_EQ); break;
    663 	case '&': t = logic('&', AND_EQ, AND); break;
    664 	case '|': t = logic('|', OR_EQ, OR); break;
    665 	case '=': t = follow('=', EQ, '='); break;
    666 	case '^': t = follow('=', XOR_EQ, '^'); break;
    667 	case '*': t = follow('=', MUL_EQ, '*'); break;
    668 	case '/': t = follow('=', DIV_EQ, '/'); break;
    669 	case '!': t = follow('=', NE, '!'); break;
    670 	case '#': t = follow('#', '$', '#'); break;
    671 	case '-': t = minus(); break;
    672 	case '+': t = plus(); break;
    673 	case '.': t = dot(); break;
    674 	}
    675 	tok2str();
    676 	return t;
    677 }
    679 /* TODO: Ensure that namespace is NS_IDEN after a recovery */
    681 /*
    682  * skip all the spaces until the next token. When we are in
    683  * CPPMODE \n is not considered a whitespace
    684  */
    685 static int
    686 skipspaces(void)
    687 {
    688 	int c;
    690 	for (;;) {
    691 		switch (c = *input->p) {
    692 		case '\n':
    693 			if (lexmode == CPPMODE)
    694 				goto return_byte;
    695 			++input->p;
    696 		case '\0':
    697 			if (!moreinput())
    698 				return EOF;
    699 			break;
    700 		case ' ':
    701 		case '\t':
    702 		case '\v':
    703 		case '\r':
    704 		case '\f':
    705 			++input->p;
    706 			break;
    707 		default:
    708 			goto return_byte;
    709 		}
    710 	}
    712 return_byte:
    713 	input->begin = input->p;
    714 	return c;
    715 }
    717 int
    718 next(void)
    719 {
    720 	int c;
    722 	if ((c = skipspaces()) == EOF)
    723 		yytoken = EOFTOK;
    724 	else if (isalpha(c) || c == '_')
    725 		yytoken = iden();
    726 	else if (isdigit(c))
    727 		yytoken = number();
    728 	else if (c == '"')
    729 		yytoken = string();
    730 	else if (c == '\'')
    731 		yytoken = character();
    732 	else
    733 		yytoken = operator();
    735 	if (yytoken == EOF) {
    736 		strcpy(yytext, "<EOF>");
    737 		if (cppctx)
    738 			errorp("#endif expected");
    739 	}
    741 	DBG("TOKEN %s", yytext);
    742 	return yytoken;
    743 }
    745 void
    746 expect(int tok)
    747 {
    748 	if (yytoken != tok) {
    749 		if (isgraph(tok))
    750 			errorp("expected '%c' before '%s'", tok, yytext);
    751 		else
    752 			errorp("unexpected '%s'", yytext);
    753 	} else {
    754 		next();
    755 	}
    756 }
    758 int
    759 ahead(void)
    760 {
    761 	skipspaces();
    762 	return *input->begin;
    763 }
    765 void
    766 setsafe(int type)
    767 {
    768 	safe = type;
    769 }
    771 void
    772 discard(void)
    773 {
    774 	extern jmp_buf recover;
    775 	int c;
    777 	input->begin = input->p;
    778 	for (c = yytoken; ; c = *input->begin++) {
    779 		switch (safe) {
    780 		case END_COMP:
    781 			if (c == '}')
    782 				goto jump;
    783 			goto semicolon;
    784 		case END_COND:
    785 			if (c == ')')
    786 				goto jump;
    787 			break;
    788 		case END_LDECL:
    789 			if (c == ',')
    790 				goto jump;
    791 		case END_DECL:
    792 		semicolon:
    793 			if (c == ';')
    794 				goto jump;
    795 			break;
    796 		}
    797 		if (c == '\0' && !moreinput())
    798 			exit(1);
    799 	}
    800 jump:
    801 	yytoken = c;
    802 	longjmp(recover, 1);
    803 }