
simple xdg-open replacement with fallback
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soap.c (1324B)

      1 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
      2 #include <stdlib.h>
      3 #include <stdio.h>
      4 #include <regex.h>
      6 typedef struct {
      7 	const char *regex;
      8 	const char *action;
      9 } Pair;
     11 #include "config.h"
     13 int
     14 main(int argc, char *argv[]){
     15 	size_t g, h, i;
     16 	char cmd[BUFSIZ], sharg[BUFSIZ];
     17 	regex_t regex;
     19 	/* we only take one argument */
     20 	if (argc != 2)
     21 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
     23 	/* make the argument shell-ready
     24 	 *   1) start with '
     25 	 *   2) escape ' to '\''
     26 	 *   3) close with '\0
     27 	 */
     28 	sharg[0] = '\'';
     29 	for (g=0, h=1; argv[1][g] && h < BUFSIZ-1-3-2; ++g, ++h) {
     30 		sharg[h] = argv[1][g];
     31 		if (argv[1][g] == '\'') {
     32 			sharg[++h] = '\\';
     33 			sharg[++h] = '\'';
     34 			sharg[++h] = '\'';
     35 		}
     36 	}
     37 	sharg[h] = '\'';
     38 	sharg[++h] = 0;
     40 	/* check regex and launch action if it matches argv[1] */
     41 	for (i=0; i < sizeof(pairs)/sizeof(*pairs); ++i) {
     42 		if (regcomp(&regex, pairs[i].regex,
     43 		    REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) {
     44 			fprintf(stderr, "invalid regex: %s\n", pairs[i].regex);
     45 			return EXIT_FAILURE;
     46 		}
     47 		if (!regexec(&regex, argv[1], 0, NULL, 0)) {
     48 			snprintf(cmd, sizeof cmd, pairs[i].action, sharg);
     49 			system(cmd);
     50 			regfree(&regex);
     51 			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     52 		}
     53 		regfree(&regex);
     54 	}
     56 	/* alternatively, fall back to xdg-open_ */
     57 	snprintf(cmd, sizeof cmd, "xdg-open_ %s", sharg);
     58 	system(cmd);
     59 	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     60 }