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fontconfig.mk (2004B)

      1 TARG = fontconfig
      2 DEPS = expat freetype libpng zlib
      4 <$mkbuild/mk.common
      6 INSTALL_DIRS = \
      7 	/var/cache/fontconfig
      9 INSTALL_MAN1 = \
     10 	fc-cache/fc-cache.1 \
     11 	fc-cat/fc-cat.1 \
     12 	fc-list/fc-list.1 \
     13 	fc-match/fc-match.1 \
     14 	fc-pattern/fc-pattern.1 \
     15 	fc-query/fc-query.1 \
     16 	fc-scan/fc-scan.1 \
     17 	fc-validate/fc-validate.1
     19 INSTALL_BIN = \
     20 	lib/bin/fc-cache \
     21 	lib/bin/fc-cat \
     22 	lib/bin/fc-list \
     23 	lib/bin/fc-match \
     24 	lib/bin/fc-pattern \
     25 	lib/bin/fc-query \
     26 	lib/bin/fc-scan \
     27 	lib/bin/fc-validate
     29 installetc:
     30 	$INSTALL -d -m 755 "$ROOT/etc"
     31 	cp -a lib/etc/fonts "$ROOT/etc"
     32 	chmod 755 "$ROOT/etc/fonts"
     33 	chmod 755 "$ROOT/etc/fonts/conf.d"
     34 	chmod 755 "$ROOT/etc/fonts/conf.avail"
     36 install: installetc
     38 fontconfig:QV:
     39 	# skip building tests.
     40 	printf "all:\n\ttrue\n\ninstall:\n\ttrue\n\n" > test/Makefile.in
     41 	export EXPAT_CFLAGS="${expat_CFLAGS}"
     42 	export EXPAT_LIBS="${expat_LDFLAGS}"
     43 	export FREETYPE_CFLAGS="${freetype_CFLAGS}"
     44 	export FREETYPE_LIBS="${freetype_LDFLAGS}"
     45 	CC="${CC} -static" ./configure \
     46 		--prefix="$PREFIX" \
     47 		--mandir="$ROOT/share/man" \
     48 		--sysconfdir=/etc \
     49 		--localstatedir=/var \
     50 		--with-xmldir=/etc/fonts \
     51 		--with-templatedir=/etc/fonts/conf.avail \
     52 		--with-expat-includes="${expat_includedir}" \
     53 		--with-expat-lib="${expat_libdir}" \
     54 		--disable-docs \
     55 		--disable-shared \
     56 		--enable-static
     57 	# build these tools ourselves later.
     58 	for f in fc-cache fc-cat fc-list fc-match fc-pattern fc-query fc-scan fc-validate; do
     59 		printf "all:\n\ttrue\n\ninstall:\n\ttrue\n\n" > "$f/Makefile"
     60 	done
     61 	# make and install.
     62 	make -j$nprocs install DESTDIR="`pwd`/lib"
     63 	# build and link tools manually.
     64 	mkdir -p "`pwd`/lib/bin"
     65 	for f in fc-cache fc-cat fc-list fc-match fc-pattern fc-query fc-scan fc-validate; do
     66 		${CC} "$f/$f.c" -o "$f/$f" -Lsrc/.libs/ -I. -lfontconfig \
     68 		echo "Copy $f -> `pwd`/lib/bin/"
     69 		$INSTALL -m 755 "$f/$f" "`pwd`/lib/bin/"
     70 	done
     71 	# remove .la files for now ?
     72 	find `pwd`/lib -iname "*.la" -exec rm {} \;