
heirloom base
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mk.h (4258B)

      1 #include "sys.h"
      3 #undef assert
      4 #define	assert	mkassert
      5 extern Biobuf bout;
      7 typedef struct Bufblock
      8 {
      9 	struct Bufblock *next;
     10 	char 		*start;
     11 	char 		*end;
     12 	char 		*current;
     13 } Bufblock;
     15 typedef struct Word
     16 {
     17 	char 		*s;
     18 	struct Word 	*next;
     19 } Word;
     21 typedef struct Envy
     22 {
     23 	char 		*name;
     24 	Word 		*values;
     25 } Envy;
     27 extern Envy *envy;
     29 typedef struct Shell
     30 {
     31 	char *name;
     32 	char	*termchars;	/* used in parse.c to isolate assignment attribute */
     33 	int	iws;			/* inter-word separator in environment */
     34 	char	*(*charin)(char*, char*);	/* search for unescaped characters */
     35 	char	*(*expandquote)(char*, Rune, Bufblock*);	/* extract escaped token */
     36 	int	(*escapetoken)(Biobuf*, Bufblock*, int, int);	/* input escaped token */
     37 	char	*(*copyq)(char*, Rune, Bufblock*);	/* check for quoted strings */
     38 	int	(*matchname)(char*);	/* does name match */
     39 } Shell;
     41 typedef struct Rule
     42 {
     43 	char 		*target;	/* one target */
     44 	Word 		*tail;		/* constituents of targets */
     45 	char 		*recipe;	/* do it ! */
     46 	short 		attr;		/* attributes */
     47 	short 		line;		/* source line */
     48 	char 		*file;		/* source file */
     49 	Word 		*alltargets;	/* all the targets */
     50 	int 		rule;		/* rule number */
     51 	Reprog		*pat;		/* reg exp goo */
     52 	char		*prog;		/* to use in out of date */
     53 	struct Rule	*chain;		/* hashed per target */
     54 	struct Rule	*next;
     55 	Shell		*shellt;	/* shell to use with this rule */
     56 	Word	*shellcmd;
     57 } Rule;
     59 extern Rule *rules, *metarules, *patrule;
     61 /*	Rule.attr	*/
     62 #define		META		0x0001
     63 #define		UNUSED		0x0002
     64 #define		UPD		0x0004
     65 #define		QUIET		0x0008
     66 #define		VIR		0x0010
     67 #define		REGEXP		0x0020
     68 #define		NOREC		0x0040
     69 #define		DEL		0x0080
     70 #define		NOVIRT		0x0100
     72 #define		NREGEXP		10
     74 typedef struct Arc
     75 {
     76 	short		flag;
     77 	struct Node	*n;
     78 	Rule		*r;
     79 	char		*stem;
     80 	char		*prog;
     81 	char		*match[NREGEXP];
     82 	struct Arc	*next;
     83 } Arc;
     85 	/* Arc.flag */
     86 #define		TOGO		1
     88 typedef struct Node
     89 {
     90 	char		*name;
     91 	long		time;
     92 	unsigned short	flags;
     93 	Arc		*prereqs;
     94 	struct Node	*next;		/* list for a rule */
     95 } Node;
     97 	/* Node.flags */
     98 #define		VIRTUAL		0x0001
     99 #define		CYCLE		0x0002
    100 #define		READY		0x0004
    101 #define		CANPRETEND	0x0008
    102 #define		PRETENDING	0x0010
    103 #define		NOTMADE		0x0020
    104 #define		BEINGMADE	0x0040
    105 #define		MADE		0x0080
    106 #define		MADESET(n,m)	n->flags = (n->flags&~(NOTMADE|BEINGMADE|MADE))|(m)
    107 #define		PROBABLE	0x0100
    108 #define		VACUOUS		0x0200
    109 #define		NORECIPE	0x0400
    110 #define		DELETE		0x0800
    111 #define		NOMINUSE	0x1000
    113 typedef struct Job
    114 {
    115 	Rule		*r;	/* master rule for job */
    116 	Node		*n;	/* list of node targets */
    117 	char		*stem;
    118 	char		**match;
    119 	Word		*p;	/* prerequistes */
    120 	Word		*np;	/* new prerequistes */
    121 	Word		*t;	/* targets */
    122 	Word		*at;	/* all targets */
    123 	int		nproc;	/* slot number */
    124 	struct Job	*next;
    125 } Job;
    126 extern Job *jobs;
    128 typedef struct Symtab
    129 {
    130 	short		space;
    131 	char		*name;
    132 	union {
    133 		void	*ptr;
    134 		uintptr	value;
    135 	} u;
    136 	struct Symtab	*next;
    137 } Symtab;
    139 enum {
    140 	S_VAR,		/* variable -> value */
    141 	S_TARGET,	/* target -> rule */
    142 	S_TIME,		/* file -> time */
    143 	S_PID,		/* pid -> products */
    144 	S_NODE,		/* target name -> node */
    145 	S_AGG,		/* aggregate -> time */
    146 	S_BITCH,	/* bitched about aggregate not there */
    147 	S_NOEXPORT,	/* var -> noexport */
    148 	S_OVERRIDE,	/* can't override */
    149 	S_OUTOFDATE,	/* n1\377n2 -> 2(outofdate) or 1(not outofdate) */
    150 	S_MAKEFILE,	/* target -> node */
    151 	S_MAKEVAR,	/* dumpable mk variable */
    152 	S_EXPORTED,	/* var -> current exported value */
    153 	S_WESET,	/* variable; we set in the mkfile */
    154 	S_INTERNAL	/* an internal mk variable (e.g., stem, target) */
    155 };
    157 extern	int	debug;
    158 extern	int	nflag, tflag, iflag, kflag, aflag, mflag;
    159 extern	int	mkinline;
    160 extern	char	*infile;
    161 extern	int	nreps;
    162 extern	char	*explain;
    163 extern	Shell	*shellt;
    164 extern	Word	*shellcmd;
    166 extern	Shell	shshell, rcshell;
    168 #define	SYNERR(l)	(fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: syntax error; ", infile, ((l)>=0)?(l):mkinline))
    169 #define	RERR(r)		(fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: rule error; ", (r)->file, (r)->line))
    170 #define	NAMEBLOCK	1000
    171 #define	BIGBLOCK	20000
    173 #define	SEP(c)		(((c)==' ')||((c)=='\t')||((c)=='\n'))
    174 #define WORDCHR(r)	((r) > ' ' && !utfrune("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~", (r)))
    176 #define	DEBUG(x)	(debug&(x))
    177 #define		D_PARSE		0x01
    178 #define		D_GRAPH		0x02
    179 #define		D_EXEC		0x04
    181 #define	LSEEK(f,o,p)	seek(f,o,p)
    183 #define	PERCENT(ch)	(((ch) == '%') || ((ch) == '&'))
    185 #include	"fns.h"